Observe the direction
The current pandemic has forced everyone to observe social distancing. The solitude that saints have observed for aeons. They have in fact distanced themselves from civilization and this act of theirs has been critically acclaimed by many. This disease has distanced us but the disease of Maya had been always encouraged.
Maya? What is this? Everything is derived from worldly expectations. It had been a widely accepted disease. It has and had been encouraged. A person who abstained from this was known to be odd or revered as a saint, probably because he does the impossible but why this mode to attain salvation or even enlightenment?
There is in fact something in that act and yes, something in that act that purifies. Let's not go there. Why? Cos does it matter? If it does matter will one choose such a path?
So let's speak about the current pandemic. Everything that God naturally created was cleared or destroyed once man evolved with his intellect. So did he evaluate that level and the speed with which he destroyed...?! He did everything within his means to undo as much. Destroy vegetation while studying its negativities. Destroy animal life while studying his own pain...when did he stop? Only now....
Toning down on his activities as he is forced to do so. Devotion is restricted within individual homes. Mind it that we came from roots where devotion was directed within one's self. So this is just the bare minimum on probable divine expectation.
If you observe, reinstate the vegetation percentage as much as possible, spend billions for the well being of mother earth rather than baseless space expedition. Spend trillions on cures for incurable diseases. Educate the world with free education. Essentials should be as they are named 'Essentials'. Annihilate hunger. Love will heal the world.... Observe the direction, stop the pollution of the present....