After the Mahabharat war was over, Lord Krishna abruptly told Arjuna to get off the chariot that they had been travelling throughout the war. Arjuna's ego got affected at this point thinking that the charioteer should always lead the passenger respectfully off the chariot. He had forgotten that during the whole episode of the war it was the Lord who had safeguarded him...
At this point, Lord Krishna being all-knowing sounded even more abrupt telling Arjuna to get off the chariot quickly. Being heartbroken yet coming to his senses he got off the chariot.
To Arjuna's surprise, the chariot started immolating almost immediately after the Lord got off following Arjuna. Lord Krishna smiled at Arjuna and said now you know why I had to get you off this chariot. The duties of this chariot are over as during this war it was the object of great expectation yet hatred. The opponents it had faced were all worthy and powerful adversaries. Its purpose was to exist and service us during that trying period. Once done it was and must be put to rest. For all perishable objects that this Life encompasses must perish...
The Lord spoke in a way Arjuna understood all that happened. There is yet a subtle point to note.
The chariot had functioned almost like that of our human body. Arjuna is the driving force of actions that is led by the Lord who had a great love for him. Lord Hanuman was placed on the flag of the chariot stating that one should observe all characteristics that Lord Hanuman possessed. What better way to explain the importance of Dharma where one fights a war with his relatives whom Arjuna loved. Therefore when the war ended it symbolized the end of human life and likewise, a body burnt on a funeral pyre. One may also ask why was Lord Hanuman burned if he was on the flag. In truth, he wasn't as he existed in his astral presence and not in flesh. So nothing was destroyed on the part of Lord Hanuman.